Adventures Abound! New single player module and module series

Hey everyone! I've just released a module onto the Steam workshop and the NWVault that will be the first in a series of modules I have planned under the project name "Adventures Abound!"
The module is a quick 1-2 hour adventure for low level players that is combat focused. It is called Journey to Whitehawk Mountain and it can be found here on Steam or here on the vault
The module's webpage with additional information can be found here
There is a website for the Adventures Abound! project that can be found here but the overview of the project is as follows:
Adventures Abound! is a collection of individual modules, or adventures, which take place in the same fantasy setting of Hephaestion. Each adventure is a self-contained story that can be played independently of other adventures with the same or new characters. Some adventures are part of a "saga" or collection of adventures that involve the same world event. For sagas there is still no required play order for each of the saga's individual adventures.
Every adventure provides content for different play styles (combat/stealth/story-heavy/etc...) and settings (urban/wilderness/dungeon/etc...) and incorporates old and new game mechanics, including: Classic dungeon-crawls and boss fights, Engaging stories and mysteries to be solved, Tower-defense and onslaught minigames, Large-scale battles, and more
I'd love it if you took some time to check out the module and the project!
I'd also love to hear your thoughts on the project as a whole. Is this something interests you as a player or even as a creator?
Thanks and enjoy!
The module is a quick 1-2 hour adventure for low level players that is combat focused. It is called Journey to Whitehawk Mountain and it can be found here on Steam or here on the vault
The module's webpage with additional information can be found here
There is a website for the Adventures Abound! project that can be found here but the overview of the project is as follows:
Adventures Abound! is a collection of individual modules, or adventures, which take place in the same fantasy setting of Hephaestion. Each adventure is a self-contained story that can be played independently of other adventures with the same or new characters. Some adventures are part of a "saga" or collection of adventures that involve the same world event. For sagas there is still no required play order for each of the saga's individual adventures.
Every adventure provides content for different play styles (combat/stealth/story-heavy/etc...) and settings (urban/wilderness/dungeon/etc...) and incorporates old and new game mechanics, including: Classic dungeon-crawls and boss fights, Engaging stories and mysteries to be solved, Tower-defense and onslaught minigames, Large-scale battles, and more
I'd love it if you took some time to check out the module and the project!
I'd also love to hear your thoughts on the project as a whole. Is this something interests you as a player or even as a creator?
Thanks and enjoy!
Post edited by philbo on
#2 I played the module from level one with every type of character and did not have this problem, but I will adjust, as your experience is not what was intended. Also scaling is a great idea! Thanks!
#3 I agree, this is unnecessary.
#4 will give me trouble as the way I have the minigame designed the area needs to be that small
#5 The Foothills area is intended to have several spots where very big and very easy to spot but very deadly traps "suggest" the player should take another rout. Perhaps more indication is necessary here, as the severity of a trap cannot be assessed. I will look into the traps elsewhere as well.
#6 While some of the spawning is intended to surprise, I do like the idea of spawn indication. I always know where everything is spawning, so I didn't notice this issue :P.
The second module is about 60% done and is much more story/choice driven. I'm excited to share it with you and get your feedback!