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Half-Orc Paladin?

Will Half-Orcs have any access to the other kits besides Blackguard? Sorry if this has been asked elsewhere, but I was planning on a Berserker Half-Orc PC, and thought if I could roll a Cavalier Half-Orc, I might change my mind.


  • KefkaKefka Member Posts: 46
    Not even Blackguard, Dorn is a special case.
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    Kefka said:

    Not even Blackguard, Dorn is a special case.

    Well, f*ck. Ok, thanks for the quick response, though. 'Zerker it is.
  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    The closest you'll come is Fighter-Cleric, basically like Anomen is a wanna-be knight.
  • AscerionAscerion Member Posts: 271
    Right, but I have a halberd fetish. I believe a Fighter/Cleric is restricted to only proficiencies allowed by the Cleric's ethos.

    I know, I'm weird. =P
  • MorcilleMorcille Member Posts: 2
    Anybody knows how to recruit Dorn?
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Morcille said:

    Anybody knows how to recruit Dorn?

    Talk to him, then head to the Nashkel Mines.
  • AdhinAdhin Member Posts: 3
    It maybe possible to use shadowkeeper to force a half-orc to be a Blackguard if you wanted to go that route to get around the absurd rules like that. With how much 2nd E and the BG line of games break their own 'rules' I can't see a problem with it at all.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531
    edited December 2012
    I don't know if Near Infinity works with BGEE, but if it does you could use it to make Dorn into a PC and then customize his portrait, name, and anything else about him to make him suit your ideal of a character. Then you could play the game as him.

    I have a game like that in Tutu right now where I'm playing with Sendai as my PC.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    edited December 2012

    1. Make Human Paladin
    2. Use Shadowkeeper to change your race.
    3. For the sake of legitimacy, also change your stats accordingly. (+1 to Str and Con, -2 to Int)
    4. Halberd fetish
    5. ???
    6. PROFIT!!
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