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Changing Imoen to a Half-Elf Thief/Mage using Shadowkeeper

Hi, I started by moving all her stats down to 0 so and then give her 161 000 XP and that work fine. Nearly. I just can't get rid of her Dual state... How does one go about doing this? /J


  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2012
    I've never done any highlevel stuff with shadowkeeper besides the occasional global variable, but my guess is you'd be better off using near infinity for these kinds of changes. I've never tried editing an NPC that way, but I pulled up immy's file in near infinity, so at least it isn't difficult to find.

    Poked around in tutu. I think you'd be best off editing _imoen2.cre. That's the version of her that finds you outside of candlekeep. You can set the model, class and race pretty easily. I'd test it, but I haven't been able to get a stable install of BG going on this computer since my HD died. Btw, I was assuming this was for a new BG1, but if you're doing this for bg2 or a late bg1 game, that file won't work.
    Post edited by Deucetipher on
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    Near Infinity? A different Shadowkeeper programme?
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521
    Not exactly. It isn't as user friendly, and you can break your game with it, so be careful.
  • MrSextonMrSexton Member Posts: 396
    Ho-hum... Don't know about that... But thanks for the answer!
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