Is there any way to farm evil points?

I'm playing OC as Druid and in finale of 1st chapter I reached Lawful Good alignment, so I'm unable to level up as a druid. I don't have any savefile with Neutral alignment, and I definitely don't want to start all over. I tried to change my character via Leto, but it doesn't seem to work, no matter what I try. I couldn't find any console command either.
Getting evil seem to be awfully hard in OC. Can you mantain neutrality in any other way than occasionally killing and robbing innocent people? Because even
Getting evil seem to be awfully hard in OC. Can you mantain neutrality in any other way than occasionally killing and robbing innocent people? Because even
freeing demon in Helm's Keep
didn't net me any evil. 0
Thanks everyone for help.
Editing Saved Games
Leto allows you to edit a character and its inventory from within a NWN save game. The following step-by-step describes the process.
1) First, make a backup of the save game you're going to edit.
2) Start Leto 1.69. Select Menu -> File -> Open, and in the 'files of type' drop-down box, select 'from list in file'. Browse to your \saves directory in NWN. Open the folder and then the .sav file of the save you wish to edit.
3) The 'select resource' dialog will appear. Select 'Module' (type IFO) at the bottom of the list. Your save's character will load in Leto. Edit whatever you wish in the normal way.
4) When you've finished editing the character, select Menu -> File -> Save As (or Ctrl + S in the Advanced Editor). In the 'save as type' drop-down box, select 'into list from file'. Select the .sav you opened earlier. You will see a warning about making backups, then in the 'select resource' dialog, select 'Module' (type IFO) at the bottom of the list as before, and then select your character (listed by account and character name) in the 'Browse Lists' dialog that will appear. Click 'OK' to save; this may take some time if your save game is quite large. When you next load your edited save in NWN, the changes you made will have taken effect.
Important Note: Simply editing the player.bic file in your save game's folder will not have any effect. The steps above must be followed to successfully modify a character in a save game.
Additional Note: Importing item entries into a save game character's inventory may cause the imported items to be invalid (and not appear or behave strangely), or at worst, cause the game to crash upon loading the edited save game. See Advanced under the Advanced Editor section of this document for further information and a fix for this issue.
Thank you for explanation about Leto. I'll refer to that next time I'll want to modify my characters.
There are a ton of ways to "farm evil points" in the OC without killing innocent people.
When you leave the hall of justice, a girl will approach you to help with peninsula. be angry and demand payment for "rounding up prisoners" to get you "evil points" (EP).
Behind her, standing near the fountain is a woman noble, talk to her and say she looked rich. Demand gold from her for another EP. You will need at least 10 charisma for this dialogue.
On the second floor of the building beside the Blade for Trade, you can extort gold from a peasant for more EP.
Behind the tavern, there is a beggar that you can lied about having a cure for more gold and EP.
Inside the tavern, there is a guy who you can return the Neverwinter artifact to (you need to have accept the quest first in the Hall of Justice for him to talk to you). Every artifact nets you a drop in alignment.
In the building behind the weapon shop there are two peasants that you can extort gold for more drop in alignment.
After completing the Zoo quest, demand more payment from the druid shopkeeper until he disappears for more EP.
There are 3 buildings with peasants inside (total 4 peasants) for the extort gold and drop in alignment trick.
Ask the old lady inside the tavern if she found anything special. When she say she found a smuggler coin, ask her for it. If you failed in a persuade roll, forced her to give it to you for a drop in alignment.
Return the medallion to the noble but demand more payment then the medallion itself as additional payment.
There are 2 peasants inside different buildings for the extort gold trick.
Return the staff and journal to the guy inside the temple and demand payment for both.
If you talked to the cleaning lady that is walking around, she will tells you about the teleport spell in her house. Asked her for the key to her house. If you failed in a persuade roll, forced her to give you the key for more EP.
When saving the dryad, mentioned keeping her as a slave for more drop in alignment. (she will go hostile on you.)
OUTSIDE OF CHAPTER 1 there are more ways to drop alignment. Off the top of my head will be -
Threaten the girl during the return brooch quest.
Threaten Wayne to tell you where is the gem quest.
Side with the captain for the helping to ship supplies to Neverwinter quest. (inside a building in Port Lllask).
Demand for more payment from the farmer when you return to him with the head of the ogre mage.
Demand for more payment from the farmer after saving his wife.
Demand for payment for the return baby quest in Luskan.
Threaten the gnome gravedigger for the crypt key.
Help the commander kill off the barbarians instead of saving them.