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Skinner quest bugged?

I've gone to the bridge district and started investigating the skinner murders. I found the tanin and hide evidence but left the area before visiting the tanner.

When I returned, Aegisfield is dead, just a pile of items where he should be standing. AFAIK if this happens, the tanner is supposed to have killed him and his body should be found in the oven in the tanner's cellar but when I went to confront the tanner, there was no sign of his body anywhere. Is this a bug? There doesn't seem anyway to complete the quest now.


  • UnderstandMouseMagicUnderstandMouseMagic Member Posts: 2,147
    Pingwin said:

    I've gone to the bridge district and started investigating the skinner murders. I found the tanin and hide evidence but left the area before visiting the tanner.

    When I returned, Aegisfield is dead, just a pile of items where he should be standing. AFAIK if this happens, the tanner is supposed to have killed him and his body should be found in the oven in the tanner's cellar but when I went to confront the tanner, there was no sign of his body anywhere. Is this a bug? There doesn't seem anyway to complete the quest now.

    So you didn't speak to Aegisfield and tell him what you found before leaving the area?

    Could be something else, unrelated killed him.
    A fight with some thugs?

    If you are ambushed by the thugs (the group with two firing crossbows, just below where you see the Red Wizards is quite a tough group) and if a guard sees the fight, they will join the fight and will get killed sometimes.

    Is it possible you triggered an ambush then left before they were all killed?

  • PingwinPingwin Member Posts: 262
    I didn't talk to Aegisfield apart from when he gives out the initial information about the murders on my first arrival in the area.

    I'm pretty sure there was noone around who could have killed him *but* on my return to the area, I was immediately attacked by a thug so perhaps this thug had killed him during my first visit to the area? That fight was bugged as well - I killed the thug and then the neera cutscene started and resurrected the thug which made me wonder if that cutscene might have something to do with the Aegisfield problem.

    For other reasons I wanted to reload anyway from a save before visiting the bridge so it's not a problem anymore.
  • DaevelonDaevelon Member Posts: 610
    I'm pretty sure the problem was the thugs attack; a couple of them spawns close to Aegisfield in 2.5 and they attack him. I think it's a bug that needs to be addressed, i will do it asap
  • RatsMCRatsMC Member Posts: 3
    I believe I have the same problem except I can't even find Aegisfield's body. I feel like I have scanned the entire Bridge area with out any sign of him or his equipment. Like the OP, I got the quest then left the area on the way back was attacked by thugs.
  • RatsMCRatsMC Member Posts: 3
    RatsMC said:

    I believe I have the same problem except I can't even find Aegisfield's body. I feel like I have scanned the entire Bridge area with out any sign of him or his equipment. Like the OP, I got the quest then left the area on the way back was attacked by thugs.

    Correction, what I meant was I can't even find his possessions, not his body. Obviously, if I could find his body, I could finish the quest.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    If he's killed by thugs I don't think his body and possessions will stay on the ground - they will evaporate like normal loot. If you can't find anything that's probably because too much time has passed since he was killed.
  • ConfigConfig Member Posts: 1
    I think this is a bug. Here is what happened to me with different characters:
    I enter the district, have a dialogue with Aegisfield, go further and kill a mugger. Then Hareishan appears and starts a fight with Shadow Thieves and all of a sudden I see a message that Lieutenant Aegisfield attacks a mugger, but he sucks as a fighter and only takes damage from the mugger. I run back and encounter Neira scene, wait through it, then I can interfere with the Aegisfield vs mugger fight, which does not always end well.
    So, this can be caused by a combination of things, and I'm not sure which one of them is to blame for it. If the Lieutenant dies, there's no way to finish the quest.
  • wetzlarwetzlar Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2021
    This just happened to me and he was apparently murdered by one of the thugs which spawn and attack while I was off screen.

    You can summon him via console to finish the quest.

    Open it up and type:


    If nothing else is messed up, you should be able to initiate dialogue and complete the quest as needed.
  • fantasmafantasma Member Posts: 35
    Still not fixed in 2.6.6 sad
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