Druid Wildshape bug with attacking enemy

Hi, Is druid Wild Shape form bugged? Even in my PW, localhost or singleplayer module if I turn into wolf or bear or other creature I cant attack any enemy. My character is standing without any action.
Hope it helps.
Download and install Community Patch for NWN:EE it will solve this any many future issues (that EE haven't solved yet) you can run into.
So I am assuming this patch is safe? It's been around for a year from what I see, but I could find no description or any listing when I searched the vault,,,weird, however the link does work (downloaded) was just looking for more info on what it does besides the dev nomenclature readme provided.
The install readme provided does have this line:
This is unofficial, fanmade modificatiob. It changes several files inside NWN:EE installation folder, folder that should not be changed.
This modification is using a technique, that might be there only for BeamDog's internal usage, and it is possible that this functionality will be removed in future. If that should happen this modification will no longer work at all (but if this happens I will fix this).
Use at your own risk.
What? me worry?
*yes I know disclaimers are a constant, and it's not like I'm paranoid... it's just that I'm paranoid:/
Just note - for dedicated servers it needs to be installed into "regular" override. (which also makes that disclaimer invalid right?)
Here is nwvault page for it. https://neverwintervault.org/project/nwn1/other/patch/community-patch-project