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Trials of Luremaster - Played my Symbol of Helm too soon and now I am stuck

Playing through the Trails of the Luremaster side quest in HoW, and we put the symbol of Helm in the offering bowl before we had all 4 scrolls. We didn't go into the crypt at that time, went back out to get the last scroll and now back in the chapel, the door has disappeared. I looked in the forums and it looks like someone has had this issue before and solved it by modding. I would prefer not to mod, if possible. Any ideas on how to move forward?


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,504
    The door should stay open permanently after placing the holy symbol in the offering bowl.

    Just to make sure, did you look for the stairs at the right spot? It's below the altar - NOT at the hand symbol in the back.

    If the door is indeed closed you could try this console command:
  • AnaDyneAnaDyne Member Posts: 2
    I feel like a dork - yes, there are the stairs! Thank you! Now - on to the crypt! Helm help me!
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