baseitems.2da and stacking items

I don't know what I am doing wrong here : I'm trying to get miscelleanous:small items to stack using the baseitems.2da Stacking & ILRstackSize columns, but items don't stack in game nor in toolset (even after restarting them). I grabbed the .2da from NWNexplorer so i guess its up to date. Thanks for any help !
I don't know what I am doing wrong here : I'm trying to get miscelleanous:small items to stack using the baseitems.2da Stacking & ILRstackSize columns, but items don't stack in game nor in toolset (even after restarting them). I grabbed the .2da from NWNexplorer so i guess its up to date. Thanks for any help !
I know that this worked in 1.69. But I used to avoid 2da's in override.
So you can test that quickly. The top hak of CEP could exist too, but your custom 2da hak should always be on top.