Preload complete, loading news?

My preload has been complete for a while, and everytime I open BGEE.exe it stalls for a few minutes on "loading news", then takes me back to the "preload complete, click here for manuals" page. Is this simply because the servers are very busy, or has something happened that I need to fix? Is anyone else having this problem? I have a class starting soon, so I'm not impatient to play the game (since I can't anyway), but if I need to reload something, I'd rather get that process started so it can run while I'm afk.
Thanks for any information/help, and thanks again for a fantastic game!
Thanks for any information/help, and thanks again for a fantastic game!
I know this waiting is a real pain in the buttocks but i'm sure they'll fix it one way or another
And thanks Trent and everyone for keeping us informed and working so hard ^_^
One big DATE when the game will be released, overloaded servers, last minute bug fixes and all this couple of months before the game will be finally a bit stable and ready to play. :-)
after release on November 28th!
so tommorow ?!
I know I shouldn't be upset about it. Release days never go smoothly and I'll probably be able to d/l the final bit and play tomorrow (what's another day when I've waited 12 years). It's just aggravating to pre-order a game and still have to wait the same time as people who didn't pre-order. ;/