Enable Shiny Water causes major frame drop on Android

I'm not sure if it should be reported as a bug but here it is.
I'm using a galaxy tab S2 and I've been playing with the video settings to get the best performance. So far what works the best is settings everything to max, turn shiny water off, reduce anti-aliasing to 2 and turn off all frame buffer effects. I get a steady 25 to 30 fps that way and it looks good. But here is something I noticed.
I was in a area with lots of water so I decided to turn shiny water on, suddenly my fps dipped to around 5 fps! That can't be right? If anyone tried playing with this setting on a different Android device maybe you could share your experience, thanks.
I'm using a galaxy tab S2 and I've been playing with the video settings to get the best performance. So far what works the best is settings everything to max, turn shiny water off, reduce anti-aliasing to 2 and turn off all frame buffer effects. I get a steady 25 to 30 fps that way and it looks good. But here is something I noticed.
I was in a area with lots of water so I decided to turn shiny water on, suddenly my fps dipped to around 5 fps! That can't be right? If anyone tried playing with this setting on a different Android device maybe you could share your experience, thanks.