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Have anyone got the MP up and running?

For me and my buddy it just crashes when we try to join a game.
Anyone have better luck?


  • LemernisLemernis Member, Moderator Posts: 4,318
    edited November 2012
    Not just the game is crashing... it crashes my computer!

    Edit: Oops, I see now that you were asking about MP. Sorry. I'm playing SP.
  • vercobrixvercobrix Member Posts: 5
    Same crashing everytime we try to connect to eachother :(
  • Bynary_FissionBynary_Fission Member Posts: 202
    Yup, same issue here. It crashes in both full-screen and windowed.*

    *In the original non-enhanced BG, full-screen crashed MP for me, but it worked in windowed.
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