Poison immunity cost vs saving throw: Poison cost

Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this doubt, but I'm not sure what forum does this belongs?
Using the toolset I've created an amulet with poison immunity, and it ends with the cost next to 1k gold. If I try to create another amulet with poison saving throw bonus and set it to +2, it ends up costing actually 900 gold. I'm confused, won't poison immunity be better than +100 poison saving throw? Why is poison immunity so cheap, and the saving throw for poison is so expansive? Am I missing something?
Using the toolset I've created an amulet with poison immunity, and it ends with the cost next to 1k gold. If I try to create another amulet with poison saving throw bonus and set it to +2, it ends up costing actually 900 gold. I'm confused, won't poison immunity be better than +100 poison saving throw? Why is poison immunity so cheap, and the saving throw for poison is so expansive? Am I missing something?