Mod installing to Android

Hello everybody,
How can i install the Consortium Class Mod and The Leto Character Customization Mod to my android device?
How can i install the Consortium Class Mod and The Leto Character Customization Mod to my android device?
Basically the easy answer is to install a WiFi FTP Server on your droid and something like FileZilla on your PC (it's available on all platforms so my go-to client for laptop/desktop)
Once you've done that set the remote to /Android/data/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/user (in theory, may need the data dir)
I've been playing with user/portraits and user/saves (issues with saves ATM)
Portraits work fine
So - gimme the mod details and I'll write a doc with the stuff I've worked out explained in detail
Posted in Tools rather than General chat by mistake (@julius - can yoou move it pls)
Am I being extremely dumb here (not played NWN in years)
Leto is a bust but PRC can be installed fine
Have a read thru my other guide and simply get the PRC rar - extract it locally and copy it to /Android/data/com.beamdog.nwnandroid/files/user as explained in that text
I should note that this method did NOT work with CEP while it did with PRC (does PRC require CEP?)
Next week or so I'll do a CEP installer for Android using a custom installer rather than rely on what essentially is hacking your device.
I will sadly have to charge a small sum for the CEP installer ATM. I'm hoping someone like Beamdog or Obsidian will fund my work at which point I'll be able to switch to a completely free service. I'm simply trying to save what cash I have left to get this stuff off the ground and working. I'll be doing fundraising in February and explain in detail what I'm trying to achieve here.