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Showing travelling hours to wilderness location (latest version on Steam)?

In the original BG, on the world map, you could mouseover the target location and the travelling hours to that location would pop up on a scroll.

In the current Steam version of BG.EE, that doesn't seem to be happening. It shows the travelling time to locations with a specific name, but not all locations have a name - and I can't find a way to make it display the travelling time to non-named locations.

Why was this feature removed? It's kind of important since it figures in to whether you can actually afford the time to take a particular NPC exploring this particular zone before doing his sidequest. Or sometimes you just want to know in advance whether you're likely to be Fatigued on arrival, and would be better off resting before travelling than trying to make the journey and rest afterwards.


  • PingwinPingwin Member Posts: 262
    I agree, it is annoying. At least once you have gone to a location, it should display the traveling hours. It's particularly annoying when you have maps whose location on the world map doesn't really reflect it's actual location. When I get round to it, I'm going to make a map showing traveling times between all locations...
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