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Update 12.00A EE HR Base

ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
edited January 2019 in General Discussions NWN:EE
Latest Update 12.00A EE (LINK)
*Updated crafting system for name checks on components, now you can use the same tag but different names
in your recipes. (before only the tag was needed to match up and the name was not checked for, sorry).

*Updated enchanting system for name checks on components, now you can use the same tag but different
names in your recipes. (before only the tag was needed to match up and the name was not checked for, sorry).

*Updated enchanting ammo so now the new enchanted ammunition will appear in the enchanting bag and not in
the enchanter's inventory to stop accidentally combining and to adjust for name check update. Added new
column to hr_ench_ammo.2da (ENC_AM) for the amount to be enchanted. Ammunition will now just add the
label to the front of enchanted ammunition, example fire (arrow, bullet, bolt).

*Transferred all monster abilities to routing system using script hr_spell_routmon and hr_inc_spellmons .
Marking Shifter abilities with (S) Monster-Shifter Shared (SM), Feat (F), Pale Master (PM), Arcane Archer (AA),
Champion of Torm (COT), Dragon Disciple (DD) in toolset to help keep them separate from standard monster
abilities. This will allow you to do all sort of changes or interjections of integers to adjust DC / damage / effect on individual basis or change how things scale to you own liking with out adding any more scripts to the module.
Let me know if I missed some or they are not functioning.

*Transferred all scripted classes abilities / feats to hr_spell_routab and hr_inc_spellab. So you can modify them
without adding more scripts. Let me know if I missed some or they are not functioning.

*Better organized support routing scripts for these abilities that use AOE / vfx_persistent.2da
(hr_spells_en, hr_spells_ex, hr_spells_hb)

*Fixed BD/Bioware fire aura was using nHD for Saving throw DC when it should have been using nDC.

*Fixed BD/Bioware damage(fire, lightning, cold etc..) auras DC calculations double dividing nHD causing lower
DC on saving throws (only about 1 point off at lower HD but getting bigger at higher HD).

*Fixed BD/Bioware ferocity, improved giving the same boost as normal ferocity (ferocity is 3 and ferocity, greater is 9) so made ferocity, improved 6. Updated text related to these three types, where old text said 2,4,6 on amount granted to 3,6,9. This also now matches the numbers in intensity and rage.

*Fixed BD/Bioware Prismatic Dragon breath showing up as Aid with 0 when dm possessing and trying to use the
breath weapon. Breath goes sideways and not down also. Probably using the same visual as the spell.

*Added fixes related to creatures from ILikeKillAndYou and Shadooow LINK

*Updated hr_defaults script related to dropping equipment / inventory on death/dying settings to make better
sense and work as described and updated scripts related to it (do testing and give feedback)

*Added option to send you back to your body in beholder conversation.

*Fixed a bug where you could not cook raw meat you got with the new system, updated the naming to better
reflect raw/cooked.

*Added PC will now get feedback when they eat / drink with information about what percentage of full of food /
water. You can now also see it under player information/emotes.

*Fixed DM conversation not being private, I think I got them all.

*Speed up how fast custom pc skin is created and equipped and made sure it equipped.

*Add a few debug switches in hr_defaults script, so you can easily turn them on/off to look for bugs.

*Fixed pdf information about food/water effect duration to be the right float name.

*Updated PDF.

Thanks to Daijin and group for testing and giving feedback / bug reports.

Update: Forgot to remove the D in front of the monster abilities, now fixed. Just overwrite the tlk file.
Post edited by ShadowM on


  • Daijin_HeartlightDaijin_Heartlight Member Posts: 11
    :) This base mod is AWESOME!
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    edited January 2019
    Just to note from the site:

    This package started a development of the Community Patch Project where I rewrote all the spells from scratch to fix engine issues. In this process I have found numerous new smaller or bigger issues even with already modified spells in this project. Also I have found that some of the fixes here has its own issues. This is specifically the case of circle AOE fixes from Rabidness which fails under specific conditions (ie. two auras on different objects from same caster colides with each other).

    Therefore this project is no longer supported by me and shouldn't be used. Instead you should use Community Patch which contains all of this + more fixes and performed in a better way.

    Also the format of this package is ERF which means that importing this into your module will ask you for overwrite and if you allow it you might lost your own modification. While spellchanges from Community Patch will not take effect for any spell you modified in your module. In either case you need to merge conflict scripts anyway.

    Basically if you like this you should use the CPP instead. It's a more evolved form and better.
  • ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
    edited January 2019
    Nic_Mercy said:

    Just to note from the site:

    This package started a development of the Community Patch Project where I rewrote all the spells from scratch to fix engine issues. In this process I have found numerous new smaller or bigger issues even with already modified spells in this project. Also I have found that some of the fixes here has its own issues. This is specifically the case of circle AOE fixes from Rabidness which fails under specific conditions (ie. two auras on different objects from same caster colides with each other).

    Therefore this project is no longer supported by me and shouldn't be used. Instead you should use Community Patch which contains all of this + more fixes and performed in a better way.

    Also the format of this package is ERF which means that importing this into your module will ask you for overwrite and if you allow it you might lost your own modification. While spellchanges from Community Patch will not take effect for any spell you modified in your module. In either case you need to merge conflict scripts anyway.

    Basically if you like this you should use the CPP instead. It's a more evolved form and better.
    Well one, CPP is awesome, but it not the same thing as this HR base. Even Shadoow would say so. CPP is setup to fix a lot of issues and add flexiblity to the base game. HR Base is setup to be a core 3.5 D&D module, with custom tlk/2da files and flexible D&D based systems so you can change it flavor to fit your specific campaign (Darksun, FR etc.., Standard 3.5) and includes new content of feats, skills, spells, abilities. I have even thought about integrating part or all with CPP when the base get to it proper point and may still do so in the future.
    Post edited by ShadowM on
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 422
    Ah I see my apologies then.
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