Endgame Savegame request

I'm working on a project that mods your portrait(s)
The aim is that you create you're own portrait pack with AI art being added once I've got the first version done
The first release will be for POE2 as I was able to get the Modding stuff a top priority for the Devs - it's extremely simple to override the portraits of the entire team in POE2 as a result (yeah, we can change anyone non-destructively)
So to NWN:EE - I want to do the same thing
Adding a simple portrait is easy but I'm looking at the next stage of things, changing a savegame to use the new portrait. After you create you char you're stuck with the portrait you chose...
I've played all the Bioware games and now have their decendents (even got a working IWD 2)
What I've noticed in my investigations is that the .SAV file increases in size as you progress so I'm wondering what the largest .SAV I can get and convert the SAV's encapusulated IFO is (yeah, git to to the BIC yet)
I need to allow my server enough space to do the conversion y'see so need to test with something that will take me weeks to play though Base, HOTU, SOTU + DOD.
One thing I've not checked yet is if MP games can share portraits (I'll get to this bit) - @niv some advice on this would help
I'll be releasing the POE2 version in February (cos it's easy) but want to do the NWN version straight after. I've been working on the NWN version in tandem with the POE2 (done) version.
For the post-launch stuff I can rapidly do portrait packs (without the AI) for NWN
To replace your portrait is far more complex after you start
Can someone gimme some everywhere explored saves?
You can email them to us at simon@peardox.com (peardox123 in stream)
I also plan to do the Beamdog back catalogue so after NWN we'd be doing like BG and it's family. Please note that I've not even TRIED BG2 yet but NWN is a definite project
I'm working on a project that mods your portrait(s)
The aim is that you create you're own portrait pack with AI art being added once I've got the first version done
The first release will be for POE2 as I was able to get the Modding stuff a top priority for the Devs - it's extremely simple to override the portraits of the entire team in POE2 as a result (yeah, we can change anyone non-destructively)
So to NWN:EE - I want to do the same thing
Adding a simple portrait is easy but I'm looking at the next stage of things, changing a savegame to use the new portrait. After you create you char you're stuck with the portrait you chose...
I've played all the Bioware games and now have their decendents (even got a working IWD 2)
What I've noticed in my investigations is that the .SAV file increases in size as you progress so I'm wondering what the largest .SAV I can get and convert the SAV's encapusulated IFO is (yeah, git to to the BIC yet)
I need to allow my server enough space to do the conversion y'see so need to test with something that will take me weeks to play though Base, HOTU, SOTU + DOD.
One thing I've not checked yet is if MP games can share portraits (I'll get to this bit) - @niv some advice on this would help
I'll be releasing the POE2 version in February (cos it's easy) but want to do the NWN version straight after. I've been working on the NWN version in tandem with the POE2 (done) version.
For the post-launch stuff I can rapidly do portrait packs (without the AI) for NWN
To replace your portrait is far more complex after you start
Can someone gimme some everywhere explored saves?
You can email them to us at simon@peardox.com (peardox123 in stream)
I also plan to do the Beamdog back catalogue so after NWN we'd be doing like BG and it's family. Please note that I've not even TRIED BG2 yet but NWN is a definite project