Level Designer Req

It was pointed out to me that management courses are HUGE money
You know, those assholes who are above you go paint-gun all weekend?
I'll sort out the server, I just need some creative Mod to create the area
It would be a private server so either / or ....
1) Biz plays by itself
2) PvP
This is only a concept ATM so don't go crazy
We won't be selling out - we'll charge the companies involved who want this back into the community
You know, those assholes who are above you go paint-gun all weekend?
I'll sort out the server, I just need some creative Mod to create the area
It would be a private server so either / or ....
1) Biz plays by itself
2) PvP
This is only a concept ATM so don't go crazy
We won't be selling out - we'll charge the companies involved who want this back into the community