Can't seem to get custom portraits working.

As far as I know, I have done everything needed but I simply can't find the "custom" portrait option anywhere in game. Could someone give me an idiots step by step guide?
On a side note, I don't suppose anyone has a link to Baldur's Gate II PC sound-sets?
On a side note, I don't suppose anyone has a link to Baldur's Gate II PC sound-sets?
The "Portraits" folder must be in the "Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition" found in your documents and not in the folder in your Program Files as it used to be.
I am still interested in the Baldur's Gate II PC sound set if anyone knows of a place to download it?
That said, BG:EE could do a better job at helping you import custom portraits, it's a completely undiscoverable feature atm.
The portrait size seems to around 270x170 and 60x85.
Anyway the documents folder doesn't get me that riled up. What gets me upset is the lack of continuity between developers (blame Mircrosoft I guess). Some put saves in the documents folder others put it right in the users folder and then others will put stuff in AppData\Roaming. I wish everyone could just decide on one standard. One developer told me that they put ini and save files there because they didn't want anyone screwing around with any of the files. Maybe there is a reason for picking odd ball spots to put theses files but a standard would be nice.