Can I borrow 10 minutes of your time with
this form?
I'm trying to make some decisions about
Deities of Faerûn and would be nice to have as much feedback as possible.
PS: If the moderators think that this belongs to General Modding, please feel free to move the thread.
Deities of Faerun (DoF) is a mod I'm developing that aims to reproduce every single faerunian deity from PnP to IE being as faithful as possible to what the books say.
Currently it contains 40 kits and many other components, like its own sphere system (developed by Kjeron), new options for strongholds, kits for NPCs (including those added by mods - all made with the author's authorization), and several multiclass kits.
I have the curiosity to know how many people is using it and what they are thinking about it and what is keeping them hooked or away so I can make some adjustments to better serve this community.
As expected, the Seldarine received more votes so far (42.9%), followed by Drow (for no one's surprise with 21.4% of the votes). The third place is being shared by Orcish and Gnomish pantheons (14.3%) and I'm really surprised to see the Dwarven pantheon in last place (7.1%). No one voted for the Halfling pantheon.
I'm surprised by the lack of love the shorties received. SO the next pantheon will be the Seldarine BUT...
Finder became a god didn’t he? Those were some of my favorite books of the series. I loved Alias and Dragonbait, and of course Olive Ruskettle.
No, I hardly remember enough to be of help.
Oh, eeek! I really need to read everything before I post. I don’t know, this is the first I read of it. Sounds interesting though.