altering Whips and Flails and Morningstars
I was thinking of making the whip a ranged weapon with infinite ammo, but it would need a fairly short range. Or can I leave it a melee weapon but make it useable from a greater range? I would also like to remove the Disarm feat from the whip and replace it with Improved Disarm.
Can I do that just by editing some baseitems.2DA?
Would also like to mod Flails and Morningstars by either adding the Dirty Fighting feat to them or making that feat a requirement for using the weapon in addition to making the weapons Exotic and boosting them up a bit - each will do piercing-bludgeoning damage, x3 on crit but only on a 20, and the Light Flail will be a small lighter weapon that does d6. I think I can do that stuff with just some 2DA edits.
But it would also be nice if I could make them ignore the shield AC contribution - any ideas how I might do that? I like to imagine the weapon being used to wrap over a shield top and land a blow.
Would also like to mod Flails and Morningstars by either adding the Dirty Fighting feat to them or making that feat a requirement for using the weapon in addition to making the weapons Exotic and boosting them up a bit - each will do piercing-bludgeoning damage, x3 on crit but only on a 20, and the Light Flail will be a small lighter weapon that does d6. I think I can do that stuff with just some 2DA edits.
But it would also be nice if I could make them ignore the shield AC contribution - any ideas how I might do that? I like to imagine the weapon being used to wrap over a shield top and land a blow.
Post edited by Calgacus on
Also, I tried testing in the Retail version and the game upon loading game me the right pointer but nothing but a white screen while the game seemed to load - I had to use the task manager to kill the game.
This is only possible with NWNX. Without it, you could have two base items types - identical except for size. And when a creature acquires an item, check their size and if needed destroy the acquired item and create a new one of different type with same name/description/properties/appearance/etc. Messy, but best you can do with stock game.
> [Override] ...
Any override folder should work (though you should use userdir/override/). However override is low priority, so if your module uses haks, or if you use patch-haks, and they use that 2DA, override won't do anything. Both CEP and ProjectQ have their own baseitems.2da which would cause this. Many other haks do as well.
> [Ranged weapons] ...
You cannot make new ranged weapon types. These are very hardcoded. I think you should be able to extend the melee range of a weapon, but I don't remember if I ever did it. I'd have done it by changing the same things you did, so chances are there's something hardcoded there as well.
Hope this helps.
This is easiest. Just an OnEquip script, check if you're equipping in off-hand, check on-hand, unequip and give a message. Something like this:
PS: but I should I drop the light flail as per the norm when equipping something off hand when holding a two handed weapon.