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so about the graphics

I heard it now supports high resolution and wide screen.
question is, when I play the game on high res, am I simply shrinking everything and allowing myself to see a bigger area, or did they re do the graphics so that things will stay the same size but look nicer? I'm not sure how great playing BG1 in HD is if I have to squint to see where my characters are.


  • FuzzyPuffinFuzzyPuffin Member Posts: 289
    Should be the same size.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    You should be able to zoom.
  • FrozenCellsFrozenCells Member Posts: 385
    Yes you're shrinking everything. Looks nice but things are small. If you zoom in then it doesn't look so nice anymore.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    The zoom keeps resetting to default most of the time when I enter/leave buildings. I wish it would stay where I set it.
  • solidbonessolidbones Member Posts: 11
    have to say I'm slightly disappointing in hearing this. I wish they would remake the graphics, making them prettier but not changing the art. I do know how difficult that is though (essentially having to re draw everything) so I won't complain about it. But a man can dream...
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    The problem is that it is obviously difficult to zoom in to greater detail than actually exists
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336

    have to say I'm slightly disappointing in hearing this. I wish they would remake the graphics, making them prettier but not changing the art. I do know how difficult that is though (essentially having to re draw everything) so I won't complain about it. But a man can dream...

    The original plan was to redo all of the graphics. When the team picked up the source code they found that all of the art was lost. Every single graphic would of had to be re-designed in order to enhanced the graphics, which was drastically beyond the capabilities of the small team the made this.

  • anab0licanab0lic Member Posts: 2
    have you tried running it in window mode? Looks much better imo.
  • thedemoninsidethedemoninside Member Posts: 188
    If modders can make Torchlight look good, i wonder if a brave soul would be able to do the same for this game. I would imagine that it would take much more artistic ability, since you wouldnt be wrapping 3d objects with various textures. Instead you would be recreating entire portraits. They would have to be pretty exact too, because of the clickable objects highlight boxes.
  • solidbonessolidbones Member Posts: 11

    have to say I'm slightly disappointing in hearing this. I wish they would remake the graphics, making them prettier but not changing the art. I do know how difficult that is though (essentially having to re draw everything) so I won't complain about it. But a man can dream...

    The original plan was to redo all of the graphics. When the team picked up the source code they found that all of the art was lost. Every single graphic would of had to be re-designed in order to enhanced the graphics, which was drastically beyond the capabilities of the small team the made this.

    wait they originally had plans for that? damn. so, what do you mean by the art was 'lost'? so if they decided to make icewind EE or PST EE, then there is a chance that they can re do the graphics?

  • mch202mch202 Member Posts: 1,455

    have to say I'm slightly disappointing in hearing this. I wish they would remake the graphics, making them prettier but not changing the art. I do know how difficult that is though (essentially having to re draw everything) so I won't complain about it. But a man can dream...

    The original plan was to redo all of the graphics. When the team picked up the source code they found that all of the art was lost. Every single graphic would of had to be re-designed in order to enhanced the graphics, which was drastically beyond the capabilities of the small team the made this.

    wait they originally had plans for that? damn. so, what do you mean by the art was 'lost'? so if they decided to make icewind EE or PST EE, then there is a chance that they can re do the graphics?

    Yes that was their original plan, Baldur's Gate HD. Unfortunately Bioware lost all the art asset of Bladur's Gate except for few monster models from TOB.

    As for Icewind Dale/PST, we don't know.... if there is any chance that the art assets of them are still exist than yes.

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