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Launching the Game

I'm clicking on the Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition and all I get is the same stuff as before downloader news window which says preload is complete. There is no launch game button at all.


  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    Click on Preload is complete.
  • BadmassBadmass Member Posts: 36
    Just leave the window up. Mine said the same and after a little bit it started downloading.
  • DeadpoolDeadpool Member Posts: 2
    I push Play and... Nothing.
  • vlavlavladvlavlavlad Member Posts: 4
    I don't even see a play button. All I see is the same as always news window with the preload complete msg. I click on the preload complete area and it goes through a file check and at about 1.7gigs out of 1.8 it starts downloading which is about almost finished and will see if I see anything different. Clicking on the exe directly gives me an invalid win32 application msg. It looks like my files have not been decrypted.
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