Any menu button hit makes screen constantly flash to previous menu and back

As stated in title, I hit any button and the game starts to constantly flash back and forth between menus, even after the intro starts up if i skip it it constantly flashes to it. If i alt tab after clicking a button it fixes it, till i click another button and it starts all over again... it's unplayable in this state, no probs any other game.
Custom built comp
Windows 7 640bit
i7 cpu 920
6gb ram
nvidia geforce gtx 550 Ti
Custom built comp
Windows 7 640bit
i7 cpu 920
6gb ram
nvidia geforce gtx 550 Ti
Windows 7 64bit
i7 2600
16gb ram
nvidia geoforce gtx 560 ti 1.2 vram
Seems to be working now!