A new Neverwinter Connections - thanks to the community and Beamdog

The new Neverwinter Connections (NWC) site has now launched, as a free game scheduling and matching service for the Neverwinter Nights multiplayer (MP) community. (And although NWC is now found at NeverwinterConnections.org, you'll see that it has the old Neverwinter Connections.com banner at the top, for nostalgia's sake).
NWC exists (again) thanks to a number of people in the NWN community who never gave up on the idea, and who expressed a continuing desire to have a common place to go to for scheduling and organizing MP games. This includes Ranan at the Neverwinter Connections Discord channel, who created it to support the idea of a NWC revival and Venture at NWN Campaigns, who provides free forums hosting for MP campaigns and kept the old NWC backup forums. With their support, both the NWC Discord and the revived NWC Forums are integrated into the site.
It's also important to say that the new Neverwinter Connections would not exist without the success of Beamdog's Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and their (and the community's) continuing support and development of the NWN:EE multiplayer experience.
NWC exists (again) thanks to a number of people in the NWN community who never gave up on the idea, and who expressed a continuing desire to have a common place to go to for scheduling and organizing MP games. This includes Ranan at the Neverwinter Connections Discord channel, who created it to support the idea of a NWC revival and Venture at NWN Campaigns, who provides free forums hosting for MP campaigns and kept the old NWC backup forums. With their support, both the NWC Discord and the revived NWC Forums are integrated into the site.
It's also important to say that the new Neverwinter Connections would not exist without the success of Beamdog's Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and their (and the community's) continuing support and development of the NWN:EE multiplayer experience.
Everyone is welcome to use the site to schedule and organize their Neverwinter Nights games. This includes forming small ad hoc groups, creating long-term campaigns, or scheduling specific PW events on the calendar. Game creation is patterned after the old NWC, with any registered user being able to set up an Open, Application or Invite-Only event on the calendar, which adjusts automatically for members' time zones.
The site will be adding content for a while and as part of that is looking to link to helpful community-wide MP resources, so more to come.
- A permanent invite for new members to the Discord channel is now posted: https://discord.gg/fc6MSXB
- Urk’s Neverwinter Connections Facebook group now points to the new site, which also links back. (For those who don't know, Urk was one of the diehard original contributors to Neverwinter Connections and the Facebook page never went down, even after the site did.)
- To make it simpler to post new events with all the information players need, there is now a common template that can be easily copied and adapted. It is in the new “Add a Game” sidebar box on the site home page, and is also linked to in the NWC Quickstart Guide, which has been reorganized to be more readable.
In terms of new content, the NWN:EE Multiplayer Resource Links page is currently under construction. NWC is looking for recommendations of particularly helpful and up-to-date NWN:EE MP guides and resources. The Beamdog MP FAQ and these forums are already linked to on the page.