Alangara Rising

Alangara Rising is a high magic realm for adventurers to realize their full potential. Alangara has been a top tier persistent world since 2005. Alangara Rising is the home of the original mod builder and scripter of "Alangara - Where Gods are Born", they are both actively engaged with the module and making updates and new adventures all the time.
If you are a player of the older module, you will find many new interesting changes and most multi class restrictions have been lifted.
We have a facebook group page, a youtube channel and a discord server where players can interact.
For more information on Alangara please visit
To see our youtube channel click here
If you are a player of the older module, you will find many new interesting changes and most multi class restrictions have been lifted.
We have a facebook group page, a youtube channel and a discord server where players can interact.
For more information on Alangara please visit
To see our youtube channel click here
Hope to see you around...
Alangara Rising has now finished its transition to its new US-based host server. This means that downtime due to powerouts etc. should be a thing of the past
Also, amongst the MANY REGULAR updates we have now introduced an "Inviromental XP System", on top of the existing on. This means that players may now spend time on farming, fishing, exploring, reading at the library, roleplaying at the inns or setup furniture in the database housing system and get XP while doing it
Welcome to the Inner Realms !
Here are a few changes in the Alangara PW that has taken place recently…
Craft wand feat now works for spell levels 4 normally but level 5 for reborn characters. Also ALL characters may use these wands once created.
XP cost is set to 50%
Gold cost is set to 10% ( might go up a bit later )
Brew potion feat is now set to level level 5 spells and level 6 for reborn characters.
XP cost is set to 50%
Gold cost is set to 10% ( might go up a bit later )
( we dont have the craft scrolls in place )
Our socket system now also allows damage type gems to imbued into ranged weapons.
It should be noted that we still have the minimum 6 levels in a given class at level 40 rule in place. This might be a "nono" for some character builders but we also assure you that we have many features and extra's in place that takes the need for these (power)builds away. All classes can be powerful and useable in Alangara
Hope to see you in the Inner Realms !
In acceptance of the fact that not many like restrictions Alangara has now removed the demand of 6 levels per class. Also shadowdancer and shifter have been released so you can now make any class and combination hereof you like.
ONLY restriction to classes is that palemaster needs a custom file so they dont get crit imune at level 10.
Come and enjoy the full splendors of the Inner Realms while taking your favorite build to all new hights with powers, diversity and boosts unique to Alangara !
Hope to see you in the Inner Realms
After tonight's reset we will finally have a completely functional version of our unique custom class SPIRITMASTER in game !
Playing this class combines the normal powers of a Barbarian ( in itself also boosted in Alangara ) and a Diablo-style caster with all the powers *instant cast*.
Another interesting feature with this unique class is that all the special powers are timed in such a way that they have a recast time before they automatically becomes available again. This makes the spiritmaster a great companion in *no teleport-no rest* areas for they will NEVER run out of spells and abilities.
Since all their abilities are instant cast this also mean that a spiritmaster and his POWERFULL spiritcompanion may target enemies with their normal "NWN attacks" simoultaneously using damage powers on others or maybe instantly healing an ally with NO CASTING delay what-so-ever....
More details can be found on our forum but until we get NWsync running people MUST manually download the overrides needed for this unique class - unfortunately.
The class is not fully playtested at epic levels so tweaks may occur for better or worse, just as this class may indeed become a inspiration for brand new classes
Devastating Critical has been unbanned.
Hope to see you ingame…
ALANGARA RISING - Your new favorite persistent world
Alangara Rising offers a wide variety of special features to add to the standard game.
- Player housing. premade databased housing available in-game or custom designed by yourself!
- Farming system, where you can "farm" gold and XP - pun intended.
- Optimised spell system, where spells scale to level 40.
- Custom XP system including XP potions, and various XP events serverdriven, and DM created.
- Custom System for manipulating all mobs into more powerful and richer variants.
- Custom magical item creation system - Magical forge, quest itemboost, socketted items, artifacts.
- Custom teleportation system.
- Custom Alchemy system, where custom potions become even more powerful.
- Custom system for bounties all over the Inner Realms.
- Tons of database quest.
- Custom in-game postal system.
- Tons of skills and powers optimised for most classes.
- Epic gear from epic bosses.
- Reborn system for characters level 40 to greatly enhance them.
-Chosen system for those managing to go all the way as Reborns.
- Quest driven permanent stat improvements.
- Heavily upgraded summons and familiars/Companions and a custom tool better control them.
-Custom upgrades for many classes making such as Bards, Rangers, Paladins, Barbarians and Arcane Archers cool and powerful even as singleclass; including the introduction of the unique custom "Spiritmaster" class created in Diablo-gameplay style !
- Mood, graphics and atmosphere that would seem impossible compared to the standard game utilising the CEP to its fullest. Look at the screenshots below and judge for yourself
- And lots of other features.
- Most importantly…
A staff that listens, and develops the server -constantly !
The work continues as the Inner Realms expands or in these days renews itself as old areas are being redone for a more immersive feel and graphical layout !
The last weeks have been concentrating on really old areas and some of the starter areas. Below a few samples. The 4th picture is an exsample of custom playerhousing integrated into an adventure zone outside normal living quarters. ( In the Inner Realms you can get your customhouses anywhere really )
Welcome to Alangara Rising