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Customizing scripts key bindings

I use the WASD keys instead of the arrow keys to move the camera, I find WASD much more convenient. Unfortunately that conflicts with the key bindings for all the character AI scripts (the "controlled" scripts). For instance, "Thief controlled" uses the D key to toggle between searching for traps and hiding in the shadows. That means that I cannot use WASD and the "Thief controlled" script at the same time.

Is there any way to customize the key bindings of scripts?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    if im not mistaken, if you have a program like NI or something that can read scripts in the scripts folder, you should be able to edit them so you can use any key you want them to be
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    @sarevok57: Great advice. Using NearInfinity it was relatively easy to find the relevant script and modify it. I assigned the key that toggles between hiding in the shadows and searching for traps to the Q key (I don't quick save that often anyway), so it combines very well with the WASD setup.

    I felt so proud of myself when I managed to do that. It's like my "first mod"! XDD
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    ah right on, good to hear, plus worse case scenario for quick save you can just set it to a different key if need be :)
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