Prologue: game crashes upon hitting the 'Done' button

I have restarted my laptop, same thing happens. Full screen/windowed mode doesn't make a difference.
Screenshot for reference:
Edit: Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics. Not sure if it's the culprit. I can't see any cinematics before launching the game; when I select 'Baldur's Gate' in the main menu, I see some horizontal bar on the screen, some rough sound and that doesn't go until I push some buttons. Then I get to the main menu of Baldur's Gate. You know the rest of the story.
Screenshot for reference:
Edit: Intel HD 3000 integrated graphics. Not sure if it's the culprit. I can't see any cinematics before launching the game; when I select 'Baldur's Gate' in the main menu, I see some horizontal bar on the screen, some rough sound and that doesn't go until I push some buttons. Then I get to the main menu of Baldur's Gate. You know the rest of the story.
Post edited by Jalily on
Edit: This is what I see immediately after clicking 'Baldur's Gate', before seeing the main menu:
Oh, Intel graphics but NOT INTEGRATED here. A desktop PC. What is going on?
Yeah, I've given up on this. I saw other people having the same problem, i.e. they see the prologue, click 'Done' and then the error pops up. I redownloaded the game and that didn't help my case too. Too bad.
If someone has one of above problems, he may need to install latest NVIDIA drivers. Installing drivers helped here a lot - it all works correctly now!
No driver compatibility with OpenGL 2.0 was the problem it seems.