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NPC Project Xzar Question...

XanatosXanatos Member Posts: 47
I've almost finished my evil playthrough including Xzar and Montaron, who have been a joy to have along.

My question being, what on earth is the "Vile of Vial Extract" good for besides alliteration?

Thanks in advance. I'd hate to leave content on the table as I'm wrapping up the final chapter.


  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    The only thing I'm aware of is that if you bring him to the Undercellar and talk to one of the named prostitutes he freaks out and turns her into a slime.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,447
    AionZ wrote: »
    The only thing I'm aware of is that if you bring him to the Undercellar and talk to one of the named prostitutes he freaks out and turns her into a slime.

    Note that since Krystin and Slythe interject in this encounter, this encounter is only available during Chapter 7, and IIRC only if Krystic and Slythe are still alive.
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