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Missing IWD II portraits

leeowensoasleeowensoas Member Posts: 81
When Beamdog released IWD:EE, we got 6 portraits from IWD II, upscaled from 210x330 to 420x660, with a cropped 169x266 "headshot" for the smaller portrait size. Is there any chance of releasing the remaining 24 portraits from IWD II in this format? Upscaling them myself results in a significantly worse image quality than Beamdog's converted portraits, and I can't seem to get the cropping/zoom right for the smaller portrait. It would be really nice to have all of the portraits from both games together in one consistent quality and format for the Enhanced Edition, and given that they were able to do it for these 6 images I would assume they have the resources to do so with the rest. I'll gladly drop my $2.99 on this as a portrait pack, I just want the visual consistency


  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    edited February 2019
    It would be nice to have portraits from both games in the IWD:EE as a DLC i would drop $3-$9.99 for that. If we can pull the portraits from the CDs, you dont need source code for that.
  • IamdorfIamdorf Member Posts: 60
    You could honestly probably find most if not all of them, online. Just search for IWDII portraits.
  • leeowensoasleeowensoas Member Posts: 81
    If you use nearinfinity you can extract them from IWD II but only at 210x330 and they don't look as clear as beamdog's for some reason

  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    Torgrimmer wrote: »
    It would be nice to have portraits from both games in the IWD:EE as a DLC i would drop $3-$9.99 for that. If we can pull the portraits from the CDs, you dont need source code for that.

    It would sound like a bit of a cheap tactic, though . I mean, add a few IWD2 portraits to IWDEE initially just to keep us interested and charge 10 bucks for the rest of it?
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    You can also try to use upscaling tools like waifu2x. I have pretty good experience with it.
  • TorgrimmerTorgrimmer Member Posts: 331
    CamDawg wrote: »
    The Infinity Collection Portrait Pack has all IWD2 portraits available for install, but it does use the full portrait as the 169x266 headshot.

    Thank you @CamDawg didnt know you made this available thank you.
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