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Inter-tile gaps

GoidaGoida Member Posts: 118
Sometimes I see horizontal lines between tiles when my special effects go off. They shift at different levels of zoom, but it still looks pretty bad. Is that something that's caused by the PVRZ format of new tilesets?



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,508
    Not directly. They are also present (and even worse) when using the old palette-based tileset format. These and many other artifacts are more likely a side effect of the game engine using 3d hardware acceleration, especially if any kind of filtering is involved.
    You can see them even more clearly with large creature animations that consist of multiple animation parts, such as dragons (see below).

  • GoidaGoida Member Posts: 118
    So there is nothing to be done? I know the reason why these lines may appear when using VVC files, but in my case that's not even a visual effect, it's a projectile explosion. I've hardly seen this problem before with either, so I wonder what's causing it? Overlapping drawing, perhaps?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,508
    Projectiles make use of visuals as well. You could try fiddling with your videocard settings and see if it has any effect. Switching the game renderer (Options > Graphics > Alternate Renderer) might also be worth a try.
  • GoidaGoida Member Posts: 118
    The problem has something to do with blending, I'm sure of it. There are no gaps when the "Blend" option is ticked off in the PRO.
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