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Where to find Fire Resistance potion - Chapter 2

I am having trouble at chapter 2 with the Huge Fire Elementals.

A few buffing potions would be nice. Fire protection in particular would be great. The temple in Port Last doesn't seem to have something.

Anyone can help?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,007
    worse case scenario if you cant get fire resistance, you can use the belt that gives you damage reduction against crushing damage ( i believe it is called brawler's belt )

    even though it might be a little late, in helm's hold if you summon the ...... good spirit on the alter thing ( spirit of helm? lathander? dont remember which one, whatever good spirit that gets summoned after you banish the vrock ) if you ask for a magic item, that spirit gives you a ring of elemental resistance ( 15 damage reduction against fire, cold, sonic, electricity )

    you could try the temple of tyr and the mage area and look at their rings and see if they sell anything special

    but if not, go to the cracked anvil i believe it is? or whatever the "smithy" place is, he should have a brawler's belt that either gives 5 damage reduction against crushing or he might even have the 20 damage reduction version
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