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The store...

I notice a tab labeled "Store," and in it, there are grayed-out options to buy several portraits, Neera, and Dorn Il-Khan. Do these characters exist in the game by default, or must you buy them first? If it is the first, where can I find the new characters?


  • BurpcycleBurpcycle Member Posts: 22
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    They exist in game by default in the PC version (and will do in the Mac version) but will be DLC for the iPad and Android version. Other paid DLC may be available later for at least some of the platforms later, though.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    You already have them all if you are playing on the PC. Overhaul wont let you buy them twice because they don't want any of your money.
  • BurpcycleBurpcycle Member Posts: 22

    They exist in game by default in the PC version (and will do in the Mac version) but will be DLC for the iPad and Android version. Other paid DLC may be available later for at least some of the platforms later, though.

    Thank you! I am surprised that the iPad and Android versions get ripped off there. Do you know where the characters are?
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738

    The iPad and Android versions only cost 10$. The price difference is covered by the DLC.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    Burpcycle said:

    They exist in game by default in the PC version (and will do in the Mac version) but will be DLC for the iPad and Android version. Other paid DLC may be available later for at least some of the platforms later, though.

    Thank you! I am surprised that the iPad and Android versions get ripped off there. Do you know where the characters are?
    Actually the tablet versions only cost $10
    The total dlc on the tablets costs $10, bringing the total cost up to $20 -the same as the PC version
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