As Volo (now) says, "Look closely at your surroundings; you may be surprised by what you find!"
There's an easter egg cache in almost every map in the game. If you're really intent on finding them all, you can zoom out all the way and just hold tab to investigate. (There's even one in the map before the final showdown, which I just discovered a few weeks ago during testing.)
There's an easter egg cache in almost every map in the game.
Are those stashes new to BG:EE? The only one I remember finding in the original BG1 was the first ring of Protection because of the rather conspicuous rocks featuring one hole in their centre. Also, I searched the ring of Wizardry because of the rather obvious note attributed to Elminster in one of the manual.There was no such a note in the original BG1 manual, was there?
As Volo (now) says, "Look closely at your surroundings; you may be surprised by what you find!"
There's an easter egg cache in almost every map in the game. If you're really intent on finding them all, you can zoom out all the way and just hold tab to investigate. (There's even one in the map before the final showdown, which I just discovered a few weeks ago during testing.)
Can these be used to stash items that you would like to use later in the game? I may have stashed stuff in the Friendly Arms one earlier in the game, but it's empty now. I can't remember if I did or not though :S
As far as I am aware, if you put items in a container they stay there until further notice. I kinda like the idea of stashing things in random hidey-holes in the wilderness.
As Volo (now) says, "Look closely at your surroundings; you may be surprised by what you find!"
There's an easter egg cache in almost every map in the game. If you're really intent on finding them all, you can zoom out all the way and just hold tab to investigate. (There's even one in the map before the final showdown, which I just discovered a few weeks ago during testing.)