How to add a background to the IDW:EE UI?

I was just trying to figure out how to add a background to the UI for IWD:EE as some mods have done for the BG:EE and BG2:EE UIs. Something like this:
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
EDIT: Forgot to mention I don't have a lot of experience with this kind of code. How exactly do you do what you said to do?
You need a dedicated menu section. For example, you have this in the default UI:
You can edit this to match the name and size of your file.
Here the one I use in LeUI.
And then you add Infinity_SetBackground('BACKGROUND') in the onOpen of the menu you want to have a background.
Infinity_SetBackground('BACKGROUND') is already there near the bottom so in this case it didn't seem to need to be added, but no background shows even though I put a BACKGROUND.PNG in the override folder. What am I missing?
Delete these two - and it should work
The name of the file should match the mosaic name so BCKGRND.png not BACKGROUND.png.
That bit of code was already present at line 19636 way farther down than the bit I posted above, I just changed the dimensions and the name and the mosaic name. Does it apply to all menus or I have to use it again near the menu I want to have a background? Or does the mosiac name have to be BCKGRND no matter what and can't be changed?
For the mosaic name, you can change it but I think it has a max length (7 or 8) so go for BCKGRND
And here they are, each bundled with menu.ui, so all that needs to be done is drop them in the override folder. They go with your UI, so feel free to add either one to it or both if you know how to give people the option to choose.