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SCS latest mods?


Which is the latest SCS mod and how may I get it? I've searched the internet but can only find v31. However, I do Believe there's a v32 somewhere…

Does any of you helpful souls out there know anything about this?

Thanks in advance!


  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    Is that really the latest version..? Seems very odd to me...

    Anyone else?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @MWO Why it's odd for you ? Just use Releases tab
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    I mean.. Why isn't it released at the Gibberlings 3 website? What have I missed?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited March 2019
    @MWO Because it's prerelease for SCS 32. You really have to use it now for EE games or wait for final 32.

    BTW: the files which you see there: are the same files which are at Github for corresponding release.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    edited March 2019
    MWO wrote: »
    I mean.. Why isn't it released at the Gibberlings 3 website? What have I missed?

    The download center links to the latest stable release--version 31--which is what the majority of players should be using. Had you visited the forum, the v32 elease candidate series (and download links) are the top, pinned topic in the forum. By visiting the forum you can get a better idea of what you'll be in for, bug-wise, and whether you're willing to play with a testing release.

    There's a reason why modders don't just link to their GitHub repos and, if you want to help them create good mods, fellow players shouldn't either.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    Okey - how do I then, say install just some of the Components? For the present, it seems Everything more or less is installed… I cannot exactly tweak it the way I want it for say spell tweaks. Cannot seem to find any file that make me chose for each and every Component.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214

    How do I customize my SCS (V32) install? It do ask me a few questions regarding certain component, but for the most part it just installs EVERY component, e.g. the spell tweaks, which just completely nerf many spells (which I don't agree with).

  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    edited March 2019
    Read the readme. It tells you how to modify the .ini file to customize it a bit more.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    Hello Ammar,
    Yes it does, and I've already read it. However, it doesn't work when I do as the readme tells me to do.

    I am not even given the options to customize each and every component. Also, the WeiDU doesn't seem to respond either. Something is wrong...
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    "If you want to change your install later, run stratagems.bat again. It will offer you the choice of uninstalling the entire mod, rebuilding the install from scratch, or fine-tuning the install component-by-component."

    This is what the readme says… When I run the program I am not offered the choice of uninstalling, rebuilding or install from scratch, or fine-tuning etc. Why? Do anybody know the answer.

  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    MWO wrote: »
    "If you want to change your install later, run stratagems.bat again. It will offer you the choice of uninstalling the entire mod, rebuilding the install from scratch, or fine-tuning the install component-by-component."

    This is what the readme says… When I run the program I am not offered the choice of uninstalling, rebuilding or install from scratch, or fine-tuning etc. Why? Do anybody know the answer.

    Have you read specifically the Section "Customisation options", especially the subsection "The ini file"? You would need to edit the .ini file before installing mod components.
  • ArdulArdul Member Posts: 211
    In the latest version 32 of SCS you modify many of the components in-game via a innate ability widget (though there has also been talk about putting it in the options screen - I am not sure if that is implemented however).
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