You have been waylaid and must defend yourself...

One of the aspects of Siege of Dragonspear that I am enjoying most is how these events have been expanded to more than just random encounters. I am in the one with goblins and awful great hole in the ground.. the last one I did was to go down to a troll cave that featured a beautiful tree surviving on the sliver of sunlight that made it down through the cavern roof. Fabulous art work and almost-stories that fill in the world so well.
Well, it can still be! I cant expect much from Beamdog at this point, but there can always be more mods that link the expansion to both BG1 (perhaps adapting some of the npcs to BG1) and SoA (such as the Skie mod) .
But period. That's it.
The plot is bad. Not only the writing but the plot itself. Except for the part where we hunt Sarevok's remaining minions I don't feel like I'm playing BG at all.
The feeling I have is that they wrote a random story, labeled as BG for sale, and throwed in the market.
Of course, that's just my opinion.
My main issues with SoD are the following:
Finally the last battle is the best part. It is very well done and feels epic (and it is considerably difficult if you play it on insane) so props to that. The only small critic is that the last dungeon could have been longer with more epic fights.
Overall, i still think it is pretty solid.
the controvercy has killed all hopes of sod being considered a classic. go onto youtube and you will see not one review that is nice about the game.
it's either about the drama.
or people saying it's mediocre and pointless to the saga.
I can't disagree.
But it is. Unfortunately.
#1 It creates a plothole that didn't exist
#2 It takes a villain from another game and (poorly) uses it
#3 The plot itself is... alien. And gets even more alien when you go to BG2 and there's not a single reference about a trip to Avernus
#4 It sells itself as a "bridge between BG1 and BG2", but it is, best case scenario, a deck. A bridge would start at Bhaal's temple in Undercity and end up in Chateau Irenicus - you know, something that connects point A to point B.
#5 There is not a single reason for Corwin not being a Fighter other than trying to OP the character with an unbalanced kit (this one is very passable, by the way).
#6 Glint has a great voice acting, but it portraits something that all the gay people I know try to put away: the stereotype of nymphomaniacs who can't take no for an answer and needs to try to hump ASAP with everything that moves and is from the same sex.
#7 It's extremely railroaded (the very same thing I hate about ToB) - especially the parley scene. There was when I lost all the hopes os enjoy the rest of the ride. At least ToB is better connected to Charname's history.
#8 Hephernaan and Caelar probably make the most cartoonish duo of an "evil guy" and a "bad-but-good-intended-lady" of all game's history.
#9 The whole Crusade makes no damn sense: let's enlarge our army by destroying the lives of everyone that is in our way and somehow build a logic where we are the good guys and our cause is fair.
#10 The immigrants' overflow makes the experience of setting foot on Baldur's Gate once again very unpleasant - and happened exactly when Europe was suffering something similar (what a coincidence!)
#11 The whole discussion about Mizhena was one of the most stupid, useless and unnecessary thing I ever saw in my life - but that's definitely not Beamdog's fault (no sarcasm here).
#12 The power curve established by SoD breaks BG2 - a game designed to start with 161K XP now may start with 500K XP.
#13 The way the canon party is stuffed down our throat is ridiculous. Here we are, prospering and etc, everyone happy one second ago and out of nowhere "You know what? I'll leave the party. Bye. You need to walk with those guys now."
Someone should throw money on the people behind the art of the game, because other than that it is a very, very bad game.
Agree with some of it, but not with most.
#1 Which exactly?
#2 Agree, there was no use to recycle Mr. B.
#3 Disagree, why? It was well linked to Bhaalspawn lore. There were a lot of things in BG 1 that were never referenced in BG 2, I do not think Avernus is the one standing out here.
#4 Disagree, it functions as a bridge because you now know rather exactly what CHARNAME did in between the games, even though you did not play parts of it. ToB does not pick up right after defeating Irenicus either, but it does not need a bridge either.
#5 Hmm. Sure, she could be a fighter. But in the same way it has been argued that Valygar should have been a Wizard Killer. And given that her stats are hardly optimal for the class, I do not think that she is half as overpowered as Edwin (as example). BG 2 had a history of giving NPCs the best kits, too: Korgan - Berserker, Edwin - Conjurer, Haer'Daelis - Blade.
#6 Didn't get that vibe at all. He slips in the romance a bit easily, but once shut down he remains shut down.
#7 I agree, but again, I feel that people idolize the original games here. Those were rail-roaded just as hard.
#8 I think Charname and Melissan beat them easily
#9 It does. Destroying wordly lives is less harm than harming immortal souls.
#10 Hardly comparable, and I am life in one of the countries that took in much more refugees than others. Never felt remotely the same. Saradush had refugees too. It's a fairly natural consequence of war.
#11 Agreed.
#12 Break it is bit too strong, but I partially agree. Even since ToB came out you became too powerful in SoA, and SoD makes it worse.
#13 Why should the NPCs not want to pursue their own interests for a while, once the Iron Crisis is finally over? Many of them have fairly important other obligations - Xzar and Montaron are Zhentarim, Edwin is a red wizard, etc... And again, you could have raised the same objection for the start of BG 2 as well.
1, you mean the dagger? it was filled with a mod so this point is void. unless you refuse to use mods
2. at the end of iwd he says he will come back in 100 years. thats around the time of bg1 so to me it makes sense why he is there
3. thats more an issue due to beamdog not being able to add onto the existing plot of the orginal games due to wotc. dragonspear is mentioned in either rassad's or neera's tob quest however.
4. well the original idea was for it to be a small dlc.
5. this i agree with
6. this is why i use artaport to change his portrait.
7. well originally they wanted you to have a beaching path where you do go with calar but it was cut.
8. i do like calar for her tragic hero nature. can agree with Hephernaan.
9. it felt more like calar was not in full control of her army. the ones destroying villages were not under her control.
10. no comment
11. not getting into this again.
12. it's only like 3 levels i never saw it as that big of a deal.
13. it;s better then what we had before. you had a party and the canon one was assumed to be used so you had to head canon why they were there. now you can play with any party you want and it flows better.