The new intro movie

Finally BGEE! Love the blue, love the new graphics in-game but...
That movie?
It's horrible. It looks like bad flash work, especially the glowing eyes...
Finally BGEE! Love the blue, love the new graphics in-game but...
That movie?
It's horrible. It looks like bad flash work, especially the glowing eyes...
Though I miss the vanilla 3D blocky animated clip, the new intro movie had me excited all over the game again.
I am sorry for the artist since I am sure s/he did put in a lot of time but it's very plain. Hardly any emotion conveyed, couldn't they atleast have moved? And the ending, zoning out to the skull... Looks so unorganic. Not a similar shape in any way. Honestly, would u be surprised if a movie like this came from Newgrounds?
Still, I am happy with BGEE!! No flame plz.
It wasn't all bad, though, as I said. I really liked the image of Sarevok's hand. As individual still-pictures, the intro movie works - but with the animation? Eeeh, it leaves a lot to be desired.
When I first heard of the movies being re-done, I had hoped that they either kept it 3D, or that it'd be a bit like BG2's beginning cinematic; with ink paintings fading in and out with nifty effects etc.
Or something like that. I'm probably not expressing my thoughts very well - it's 3 AM here. :P Apologies for possible spelling mistakes.
EDIT: And where's the quote thing from Nietzsche?
I feel like Sarevok is much more threatening if they don't reveal him entirely like they did in the classic intro.
Btw, it got me wondering - what happened if a lightning bolt fulminated Sarevok that one night? He is kinda tall in full plate mail on top of a large iron structure after all! Game over? :P
There was no way they could just put the old movies back in, those don't exactly hold up. And redoing them with modern graphics would have been stupid wasteful. What we got is perfectly fine really.
The new version seems rushed. It drops dialogue that is central to the story ("...there are others...") and doesn't have the great bookending the original had (the apposite Nietzsche quote at the beginning and the Bhaalspawn's blood running over the game title at the end).
I understand why the developers felt they had to remake the ingame cinematics, given how the originals might look on modern systems. However, I thought they would have produced something more faithful to what came before. It makes it worse that some cinematics have been dropped altogether (as detailed here: )
I do not mean to be harsh. I applaud what the devs have tried to do with the game generally and want BG:EE to be a success. It just seems that they have slipped up a bit here.
Also, I thought it better than I had expected. We all knew the 3d cinematics would be changed to 2d stills, but I thought the motion was done perfectly.
I too feel the original was better but this one is ok.
I miss the old intro.
The art style is fine, it's just it was a lazy job.
I do like both does show that a fair bit of effort and heart went into this game's cut scenes.
While the old videos may be "dated" in a superficial sense, the new ones appear "rushed" and fail to capture the essence of the story.
It reminds me of some of the leaked alpha versions of Heart of the Swarm movies, that is sketchy and only on planning stage.
Please choose another quality leader, or least choose one.