Question about obtaining the magical short sword.....

I have come to see that certain items/weapons/armor are randomly dropped, and some are more accustomed to the character class the player is using. I have also learned that some of the dropped/found loot is tied to what feats the main character has taken. What feat do I have to have to find the magical short sword (short sword +1) in the first chapter?
so for example, if you happen to find a container that holds your "character weapon" lets call it, you can actually save your game before you pick it up, and reload your game until you get something better
aka in chapter 4 after you defeat a certain someone and somebody, there will be a character weapon there, and i just saved and reloaded until i got the hammer of thunderbolts ( since i was using warhammers and the only way to get that hammer is to get it at that point from a random table )
this also works with any container that has random items in it as well ( like say the zoo hunter's chest, i usually keep reloading until i get the full plate +1 from it, granted if you are high enough level to get that item that is )
the only thing to note is, you will only ever get 2 attacks in your off hand ( since NWN uses 3.0 edition rules, not 3.5 )
so you only need to ever have a dex score of 15
but with that being said, depending on how you like building your guys, it will be very difficult to have a high STR, 15 DEX, decent CON, and perhaps INT for skills and feats and still make it so you dont have 8 WIS/CHA
also remember your off hand weapon deals half your STR modifier for damage as well
that is why i hate this nonsense where your off hand has to be light to make your penalties better, ugh, it takes so many feats to have weapon focus and specialization in both
also in 3.0 you need to take ambidexterity and two weapon fighting so then your penalties aren't complete garbage
so in reality you better be planning on being a human because you are going to need as many feats as you can muster in the universe to make it worth while
with that being said, my guy i believe was a human fighter/bard/red dragon disciple and used normal sized warhammers the whole way through the OC, haven't played that SoU file in a while, but once i hit HotU i will be dual wielding hammers of thunderbolts and then things will really start getting crazy
so with that said, to make dual wielding as efficient as possible make sure your weapons are not only dealing damage, but have some whacky side effect type things as well ( aka weapons that hit causes an enemy to make a save or else something happens )
even against boss type monsters, they will always fail on a 1, so even if those save DCs on your weapons are complete garbage, you would be amazing on how often baddies will fail them
what i did with my previous character i dual wielded the whole way through the OC, and then for the odd boss i had a back up shield just in case i needed a big AC upgrade to survive a bit longer
in the docks district i believe the store twenty in a quiver.... has a shop where buddy sells all the weapons at +1, not 100% sure if that is the correct name of the shop, but i do know there is a shop in the docks district where somebody sells +1 weapons
So, it might have been a bit of a waste to take a second weapon focus. You will get +1 to your base attack bonus for using either of those two weapons, but you are not restricted to using them.
It will not affect your dual-wielding, other than that you'll get the +1 bonus to BAB when using one of your weapon focus weapons. Dual-wielding is a separate chain of feats (Ambidexterity, Two-Weapon Fighting, Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, etc.)
You'll probably prefer to use the two weapons you took the focus in to get the +1 bonuses, but you are not limited to them, if you find a good weapon that you don't have a focus in but you want to use. Remember that using a light weapon in your off hand gives you a bonus, so short sword is actually a pretty good focus to go along with dual-wielding.