Neutral party advise for a bard

Hi there 
I want a new rp run with a neutral bard. I want it a full party play and need advise for a party. I want it mixed with evil, good and neutral members, but dont want to use lawful good companions.
Who will be enough interesing and fun personality wise ?

I want a new rp run with a neutral bard. I want it a full party play and need advise for a party. I want it mixed with evil, good and neutral members, but dont want to use lawful good companions.
Who will be enough interesing and fun personality wise ?
Kivan and Coran for ranged damage,thieving skills ,hiding (useful at lower levels) and ability to drink fighter-only potions. They can also wear heavy armor and tank when necessary.
Kagain as a tank and he'll become a greater damage dealer as the game progresses.
Imoen because she's your sis (and can be dualed to mage) . After dualong to mage you can have coran deal with traps and locks ,while Imoen (along with your bard) uses wands and spells.
Either Branwen or Viconia for healing and hold person spells.
Then I'll put some emphasis on Coran, Branwen, Neera , Xan and Imoen!
Dorn - has a quest with a reward item that’s very useful to bards. Also has interesting backstory. His voice is brilliant too.
Shar-Teel: complex personality and can dual to thief at any time
Safana - now that SOD is out, she’s become my favoured thief over Imoen. She’s a joinable character in SOD so you can tailor her skills if you get her early and can use them throughout both games.
Xzar/Montaron: an interesting alternative to the Harpers and confer similar dialogue options in Nashkel and Baldur’s Gate. Xzar’s character is funny while Montaron is plain old school evil.
Minsc/Dynaheir: like Neera and Safana are joinable in SOD so Minsc’s weapon profs can be tailored how you like if you get him early and Dynaheir should retain her spellbook in SOD. Similarly for Edwin.
Or may i use Kagain ? I only used him once in my evil playtrough.
Shar teel is cool,but you gotta watch for your reputation.