scythe models: has someone made one that can be used as a replacement for the default?
I was hoping to find some scythe models based on the actual War Scythe as described on the one perfect source of all knowledge in the universe - wikipedia. I would like to use them as drop in replacements for the default scythe models just for the sake of making them look a bit more realistic and to improve their apparent range.

Post edited by Calgacus on
Now I don't know about war scythes. Those look remarkably similar to various halberds to me.
That stuff looks great though the scythes are still the same shape with the blades at right angles from the haft.
If I recall correctly, TAD's Project Reforged just made the weapons look nicer, but did not alter the basic structures of the weapons. It was a splendid work, of course!
@Calgacus - your picture is of fauchards. The picture above is of scythes.