[Kit] Barbarian/Shaman (Pseudo-Multiclass)

On another thread was requested help with how to mess with EEKeeper to make a Barbarian-Shaman. I've taken things further and made a mod that reproduces this multiclass as faithfully as possible.
It works only in IWDEE (because I was too lazy to test its compatibility with other games), but you may try it by opening the tp2 and removing the REQUIRE_PREDICATED GAME_IS ~iwdee~ line. Or comment it out (by those who know what it is).
Be aware that this kit is under the class Shaman and only receives 50% of the XP delivered to it. This is intentional to simulate the experience split that happens in multiclasses. If you don't want it, open with NearInfinity RAPMBSF.spl and remove the effect with Opcode 104.
This is a very simple mod, I didn't even use .tra (as all my other mods use) and it was written as a tutorial.
Well, enjoy it.
On another thread was requested help with how to mess with EEKeeper to make a Barbarian-Shaman. I've taken things further and made a mod that reproduces this multiclass as faithfully as possible.
It works only in IWDEE (because I was too lazy to test its compatibility with other games), but you may try it by opening the tp2 and removing the REQUIRE_PREDICATED GAME_IS ~iwdee~ line. Or comment it out (by those who know what it is).
Be aware that this kit is under the class Shaman and only receives 50% of the XP delivered to it. This is intentional to simulate the experience split that happens in multiclasses. If you don't want it, open with NearInfinity RAPMBSF.spl and remove the effect with Opcode 104.
This is a very simple mod, I didn't even use .tra (as all my other mods use) and it was written as a tutorial.
Well, enjoy it.
Known issues I can do nothing about:
1) Proficiencies
1.1) Starting proficiency could only be altered by modding the baseclass what would make a mess.
1.2) Ditto for slot acquisition pacing
1.3) Ditto for starting slot allocation
2) Saving Throws that are adjusted to get the Barbarian one instead of the Shaman one (because a MC always uses the better ST) appears in parenthesis as it was a magical effect.
Sorry about the lack of imagination at the class description.