Does NWN:EE have updates on creatures default scripts (OnPerceive, OnSpawn, OnHeartBeat...)?

That's weird I realize some changes when I alter playing NWN 1.69 and NWN:EE. First, when I identify something the text space character "/n" does not work anymore it appears a lot of /n, /n, /n. Second, my associates (animal companion, summons...) are trying to find the pathfind they have difficulty to find the creature to attack when there is a wall in its front, some pathfinds are weird or is just me?
I would like to know if there is changes in default creature scripts (OnSpawn, OnDeath...) and what scripts do have modifications so I can fix it.
Thank you!!!
I would like to know if there is changes in default creature scripts (OnSpawn, OnDeath...) and what scripts do have modifications so I can fix it.
Thank you!!!