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Downloading nightmare !

I have just sat here watching my download go at a snails pace for the last 2 hours 15 kbs to be exact the last 100mb... only for it to crash at the end and restart the entire download process again to say im just alittle pissed off is an understatement what a disaster !!!!


  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    at this rate im simply going to give up on this game, the whole process of getting this game has destroyed what little excitement i had left... screw it im done.
  • MeyahiMeyahi Member Posts: 143
    Tomorrow or the day after, everything should be fine.
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    edited November 2012
    connecting, disconnecting, connecting, disconnecting can you just keep the connections stable for like 2 seconds and be alittle more generous with the download bandwidth for godsake man you guys must have hamsters running a tread mill to operate your bloody servers what an absolute nightmare!
  • MarszieMarszie Member Posts: 4
    Forward ports 56274 and 52138 TCP/UDP. If you're not sure how to forward ports, check out ''. My download speed has gone from 10-30 KB/s to 250-300. Spread the word.
  • MarszieMarszie Member Posts: 4
    Dunno if that'll help with the crash, though.
  • AlexMAlexM Member Posts: 110

    I know that this can be frustrating and we're truly sorry for the inconvenience.

    Try closing the client and opening it back up again. Also, you may enable Turbo Mode in the Beamdog settings to enable P2P, which should increase the download speed.
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    edited November 2012
    3kb/s and constant disconnects hahahaah omg they really need to upload this game to mediafire so people like me can get the files faster then simply authenticate the game through the beamdog client simple solution to this.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I hear you, sister! How they could fail to have an adequate platform to distribute their game is beyond me!
  • OmegaJimesOmegaJimes Member Posts: 3
    edited November 2012
    Marszie said:

    Forward ports 56274 and 52138 TCP/UDP. If you're not sure how to forward ports, check out ''. My download speed has gone from 10-30 KB/s to 250-300. Spread the word.

    Thanks you're a life saver! I was getting 20kb/s, now it's up to 220 and climbing!

    EDIT - 550KB/Sec, I want to have your baby, Marszie! I'm actually going to be able to play tonight!
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    Take it as the opening of a Black Friday sale. There's limits regarding what the shop owners can do to control human mass.

    But in this case, there isn't even a sale.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I think a lot of the problem stemmed from the fact that just about everyone who preordered tried to log in and activate their games exactly at 1pm when the release went live, and the servers have been trying to recover ever since.
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    edited November 2012
    And the thing is - Overhaul isn't that big. They can't respond to such demands, because it's not the usual traffic they handle and because if they did, it would've been for a very small time window.

    It's a thing to blame a big-ass mall for not having easy ways of access, it's another thing to sue a small grocery for not having enough parking space for a thousand cars, just because they baked a very tasty cake that very day.
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49

    The same thing just happened again wtf why does it crash at the very end !!!!
  • subterrasubterra Member Posts: 49
    I have had it, i am now going to pirate the game ive already paid for it anyway, its the only way i can get this game, sorry but im done messing around with this crap its a joke next time provide a better means to distribute your games the fact that its easier to get ur game via pirate is just ridiculous.
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