Completing the rogue hirelings quest in the first chapter...
Member Posts: 193
Where is the item needed to fulfill the rogue hireling's personal quest in the first chapter of NWN:EE?
Crtl + F then type in Tomi's Tale.
chapters 2 & 3 you get addition quests to have them upgrade those items.
My only complaint with it is none of the companion items boost Intelligence ?.
Too late, I'm in chapter two
It can be fun to roleplay his story through, so maybe I should have done it, but I guess I had other priorities while the opportunity was there.
Be sure to check him for more story every time you gain a new level, although, I've gotten into Luskan without him, not remembering that if I didn't have him in tow when I went through the front gates, he'd be gone for the rest of the chapter. But I had pretty much stopped using him any way, and I may not use him again, because of his trouble staying alive, which only gets worse and worse as the game goes on.
If you move on to the expansions after the OC, and/or into user-created content, the companions get an upgrade that greatly increases their survivability - you have access to their inventory to give them more potions and better gear, and you have more tactical AI options on their "talk to" screens.
If I remember years back I forgot to do some of the quests and in chapter 2 I still had the option to help them but only got the base item as rewards not the chapter 2 upgrade.
@Arvia and @NeveroddoreveN If you haven't done any of the hireling quests in Chapter 2 yet, you can use the DebugMode 1/dm_spawnitem console functions to give yourself just the quest items you missed out on obtaining in the previous chapter. I know it sounds a lot like cheating, but if you were going to do the quests anyway, it would save you the headache of having to replay the chapter you just progressed through. Otherwise, you could just save your character in Chapter 2, play through Chapter 1 just far enough to get all the hireling quest items, save your character in Chapter 1, then start right back in Chapter 2. Thank you for reading, and happy gaming to all.
The ring isn't necessary useless, if your looking to boost your Dex for a little extra AC or Ranged AB than it's still helpful if you need that but yes it's better for skillful characters.
Just like the other companion items you may not fully benefit from all the enchantment but a Sorcerer or Pally will benefit greatly from 2 of Thier items.