Needed fix for uncanny dodge and defensive awareness mix up bug

Hey guys, I don't know if this is where this is supposed to go but i've been doing some digging and i'm finding that the monk and rogue classes have some major issues with the new EE port. I'm going to do each seperately once I figure out where this post is supposed to go, so I can give all the details of the issues but the jist of these two issues is that, for the rogue the sneak attack doesn't work against something that has unncanny dodge as if that creature had the dwarven defenders defensive awarness, which are two completely different things even though in the description they sound very similar. And also the monk's stunning fist has been all but nulified making with it being reduced to one round instead of three but as I said i'm going to post in detail about these issues once I know where to post these. If beamdog can do it, great. If not, i'll look for another fix for the community to use, to those that would like to. Just let me know where this post is supposed to go. Thanks
Post edited by Holy_Ronin on
Uncanny Dodge can be extremely helpful for dexterity-based builds in avoiding attacks from hidden creatures, as it allows retention of what could be a significant portion of their AC. So maybe that is what you are running into?
As far as I see via the patch notes, Uncanny Dodge was not modified.
Defensive awareness 2 is = Improved Uncanny Dodge
This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge (see above) from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.
If they gave it to normal unncanny dodge then it is a bug, but if you have a character with both they should be working as normal as mentioned above.
I believe they did mention this in one of the past patch notes.
Fix to Uncanny Dodge 2 feat (higher-level rogues
are now allowed to attack lesser rogues with
Sneak/Death attacks) and I think in a later patch note they refer to the defensive stance.
If your Rogue is 4 levels higher then the total of the classes that progress Uncanny Dodge (Rogue, Barbarian, Assassin and Shadowdancer), they can sneak attack them as though they didn't have the feat.
A level 8 Barbarian/ Rogue (12 Uncanny Dodge Levels) vs a level 15 Rogue, can't be sneak attacked unless striking from stealth/invisibility or the opponent is incapacitated somehow (Knocked down, paralyzed, stunned, etc etc).
A level 12 Barbarian vs a level 16 Rogue, can be flanked for sneak attack.