how to use/and/or know what script to edit and/or delete to keep my stolen items beginning HOTU

Does somebody please please know what script to edit to keep all my gear in HOTU. I have worked so hard to customize gear for each henchmen I get in modules. i find that taking all your gear in the beginning is soooo stupid by Bioware. I know the gear gets better in HOTU but I want MINE. Im not sure if I'll get ALL of it back at the end of chapter 1 at the drow encampment. I have 13 bags of holding, no junk, extremely tidy and clean. And have ALL of it stolen??...Come on Bioware. I know there is a script to change and/or delete to be able to do this but Im not a NWN Aurora Toolset guru. will send Paypal contribution to you if you know, no BS. I want to play with MY stuff. And like a drow thief is going to be able to "quietly" walk out of my room with 13 bags of holding....BS!!!
So please please anyone........thank you
So please please anyone........thank you
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