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Thank You, Overhaul Games

Google_CalasadeGoogle_Calasade Member Posts: 80
While your release of BG:EE is playing hell with the editing deadline on my sword and sorcery novel (Calasade: Strife), I still wanted to take time away from that and the game and say thank you. It is a welcome and familiar change to be back playing Baldur's Gate. It is also nice to know there are people and game-makers out there who understand what an RPG is and deliver it after having played the likes of Dragon Age 2. Recently I've enjoyed such games as the Witcher series and Dragon Age: Origins. Good as the Witcher 1 & 2 and DA:O are, they don't quite manage to hit the RPG sweet spot that BG:EE does.

I greatly look forward to BG2:EE.

Again, thank you. You've made my gaming year and earned my ongoing support.


  • alkaiseralkaiser Member Posts: 29
    Yeah, I'd like to thank you too, Overhaul. I just played some minutes of BGEE and the game is amazing. So, thank you very much.
  • GriegGrieg Member Posts: 507
    Yeah its very nice to play in this fresh edition of BG:] Thanks for all your efforts:]
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I'd love to be able to say thank you. Unfortunately, I am one of the thousands who cannot authenticate their supposedly "pre-loaded" game and start playing it.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    Thank you, as well, Beamdog and support crew! Truly wonderful thus far! Off to run my Skald, and wishing you many blessings to you all!
  • RazorRazor Member Posts: 436
    edited November 2012
    Just want to thank you for the game and continued support Overhaul.
    Post edited by Razor on
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I've never needed a "disagree" button more!
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    @Google_Calasade Thank you very much.

    @belgarathmth Make sure you post something in Support so we can keep track of your issue.
  • RyknRykn Member Posts: 30
    I also want to show my appreciation. Love it, Love you guys, Keep doing what you do cause you do it well. I am glad to call myself a fan of Overhaul Games.
  • Google_CalasadeGoogle_Calasade Member Posts: 80
    I've made it to Beregost. With each area I visit, with each quest completed, I become more impressed with BG:EE. NICELY DONE!
  • VittordeVittoVittordeVitto Member Posts: 225

    I've never needed a "disagree" button more!


  • eksterekster Member Posts: 234
    edited November 2012
    You stole my idea! I was just about to make a thank you to Overhaul thread myself. :p

    While I did not get a lot of time to play it as I'm in a middle of a busy week at work, and have several school assignments to do... I did managed to sneak in a few minutes (2 hours) before bed.

    I loved this game when I was a kid, I always had trouble going back to it and replay it later on because it just looked too outdated and was too buggy on my newer PCs. But I can definitely play it again now! EE makes a huge difference. It's still looking a bit outdated, but I definitely have an easier time playing it now! So thanks for allowing to play this great old game again! :D
  • ChippyChippy Member Posts: 241
    Back when this was being teased, I didn't dare get my hopes up. Then it was announced and and I still thought something iffy had to screw it up...and yet here it is. This is the reason I still play PC games, there are some cheap, contrary, hypocrites out there, but even a remake of BG is a breath of fresh air - to actually CONTROL a party again in a tactical RPG. I'd pay $20 just for that.

    But the above might be considered mindless praise, to I'll leave it at this: great stuff! Looking forward to the DLC and future titles from Overhaul.
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Thank you Overhaul n_n
  • loganultimaloganultima Member Posts: 109
    I would like to forward my extended gratitude in a classic "thank you Overhaul" because I am grateful.
  • Google_CalasadeGoogle_Calasade Member Posts: 80
    Into Nashkel Mines. I think I like BG now more than the first time I played it. NPCs Dorn and Neera really add a lot to the enjoyment factor.
  • xxxsmb1987xxxxxxsmb1987xxx Member Posts: 280
    Thank you Overhaul and also Thank you to everyone on the forums for making suck a kick ass community!!!
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