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The Default Party

Can anyone tell me their opinion on the default party. Is it a good party to use or am I better off making a new one from scratch?


  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,008
    as the game states, you should be able to tackle any problem that IWD has to offer with that pre made party

    people have beaten the game with one character parties and with no reloads to boot

    so even if you are new to the series, the default party should have enough horse power to get you through

    although if you truly wish you can make your own party which has the benefit of matching more to your play style, the default party is more for people who just want to play the game now
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    If you haven't played IE games before, the default party is a good place to start. It is well balanced and allows for a variety of play styles.
  • ParasolsyndicateParasolsyndicate Member Posts: 54
    I've found the defaults respectable for use in combat, but a little light in regard to healing output.

    Replacing the wizard with a cleric/Illusionist or cleric/mage will pay huge quality of life returns.
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    At higher levels the bard is the healer. Lower levels you can use a lots of healing potions and rest enough.
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