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Firkraag's Lair

wolverswolvers Member Posts: 22
Hi, ran into a bit of a problem, I can't get in. There's no option. I've got his letter, encountered Garren, his kid was kidnapped, but that's it.


  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    edited May 2019
    Hi, can you elaborate a little further, please?

    What do you mean by "can't get in"? Exactly where? Windspear Hills doesn't display at your map? The dungeon itself doesn't provide an option to enter? Firkraag's lair inside the aforementioned dungeon?

    Also, can you attach your game's save? Will be a helpful tool to pinpoint the issue.
  • wolverswolvers Member Posts: 22
    The dungeon itself doesn't provide an option to enter. For some reason it won't let me attach the save game, not a supported file
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    You're not allowed to enter the dungeon before the whole kidnapping happens, but for some reason the game is in a wrong state, it seems.

    @wolvers: Try zipping up the folder which contains the BALDUR.gam and BALDUR.sav of your savegame, (we need the whole folder), and attaching that here. :)
  • wolverswolvers Member Posts: 22
    That's essentially it Bubb, I think Jum appeared inside the cabin, prior to the kidnapping, pretty sure he's meant to rock up afterwards
  • BubbBubb Member Posts: 1,008
    Huh, actually, the situation was quite weird. I had a look at the game scripts, and the dungeon should open as soon as you kill the illusion'd paladins when you enter the area.

    I can tell the game tried to open the ruins because the information trigger, which tells you that the way is blocked, is deactivated. No idea why it didn't work as intended...

    But anyway, I've attached a modified version of your save that has the travel trigger enabled. Have fun!
  • wolverswolvers Member Posts: 22
    oh cheers Bubb, thanks!
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    I love this community.
  • wolverswolvers Member Posts: 22
    worked a treat Bubb, how did you fix it? I'm thinking it may happen again and if it's an easy fix I might be able to do it.

    Also have another save game with a different problem. It loads up, but then crashes, it's like it's stuck on some sort of sound issue.
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