1: running it in various compatibility modes? 2: COPYING, i repat COPYING the Baldurs gate EE folder to root C: 3: Check out your event view and post what you find out.
Dont worry, your not the only one having the problems... I my self am even having problems. I enitially had the open BG.exe and then crash. Replaced a file. So now i can actually get to the menu and all, but then i crash after making a character and all. Here the tweeting birds... CRASH
1: running it in various compatibility modes?
2: COPYING, i repat COPYING the Baldurs gate EE folder to root C:
3: Check out your event view and post what you find out.
Dont worry, your not the only one having the problems... I my self am even having problems. I enitially had the open BG.exe and then crash. Replaced a file. So now i can actually get to the menu and all, but then i crash after making a character and all. Here the tweeting birds... CRASH